System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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imgfile (Talk)file
imgmultigo (Talk)Go!
imgmultigoto (Talk)Go to page $1
imgmultipagenext (Talk)next page →
imgmultipageprev (Talk)← previous page
immobile-source-namespace (Talk)Cannot move pages in namespace "$1"
immobile-source-page (Talk)This page is not movable.
immobile-target-namespace (Talk)Cannot move pages into namespace "$1"
immobile-target-namespace-iw (Talk)Interwiki link is not a valid target for page move.
immobile-target-page (Talk)Cannot move to that destination title.
import (Talk)Import pages
import-comment (Talk)Comment:
import-error-create (Talk)Page "$1" is not imported because you are not allowed to create it.
import-error-edit (Talk)Page "$1" is not imported because you are not allowed to edit it.
import-error-interwiki (Talk)Page "$1" is not imported because its name is reserved for external linking (interwiki).
import-error-invalid (Talk)Page "$1" is not imported because its name is invalid.
import-error-special (Talk)Page "$1" is not imported because it belongs to a special namespace that does not allow pages.
import-interwiki-history (Talk)Copy all history revisions for this page
import-interwiki-namespace (Talk)Destination namespace:
import-interwiki-source (Talk)Source wiki/page:
import-interwiki-submit (Talk)Import
import-interwiki-templates (Talk)Include all templates
import-interwiki-text (Talk)Select a wiki and page title to import. Revision dates and editors' names will be preserved. All transwiki import actions are logged at the [[Special:Log/import|import log]].
import-invalid-interwiki (Talk)Cannot import from the specified wiki.
import-logentry-interwiki (Talk)transwikied $1
import-logentry-interwiki-detail (Talk)$1 {{PLURAL:$1|revision|revisions}} from $2
import-logentry-upload (Talk)imported [[$1]] by file upload
import-logentry-upload-detail (Talk)$1 {{PLURAL:$1|revision|revisions}}
import-noarticle (Talk)No page to import!
import-nonewrevisions (Talk)All revisions were previously imported.
import-parse-failure (Talk)XML import parse failure
import-revision-count (Talk)$1 {{PLURAL:$1|revision|revisions}}
import-token-mismatch (Talk)Loss of session data. Please try again.
import-upload (Talk)Upload XML data
import-upload-filename (Talk)Filename:
importbadinterwiki (Talk)Bad interwiki link
importcantopen (Talk)Could not open import file
imported-log-entries (Talk)Imported $1 {{PLURAL:$1|log entry|log entries}}.
importfailed (Talk)Import failed: <nowiki>$1</nowiki>
importhistoryconflict (Talk)Conflicting history revision exists (may have imported this page before)
importinterwiki (Talk)Transwiki import
importlogpage (Talk)Import log
importlogpagetext (Talk)Administrative imports of pages with edit history from other wikis.
importnofile (Talk)No import file was uploaded.
importnopages (Talk)No pages to import.
importnosources (Talk)No transwiki import sources have been defined and direct history uploads are disabled.
importnotext (Talk)Empty or no text
importstart (Talk)Importing pages...
importsuccess (Talk)Import finished!
importtext (Talk)Please export the file from the source wiki using the [[Special:Export|export utility]]. Save it to your computer and upload it here.
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